wtorek, 4 września 2007

Good you are here

Yes, good that you are here... Good I have somebody I can talk with. Yesterday I was with Milenka in Cyganeria for a cup of coffee. We decided taht we had to talk som after one hour we met there. We need to think over and talk about this shity situation. Good I can talk with Patryk, good I have NST to talk... And only if rest of NST wasn't against core MC... I feel terribly in the moddle but I think I value more the year in EB, I value it to much to destroy now everything because of some personal "wars". And I agree with both "parts" in some points but cannot agree with both of them in everything. That's why I'm so in the middle, I feel so lost. But what's the worst I can't, I'm no able to talk with each of them about second point of view. Everybody now are so closed. Goog, Milenka I can talk about it with you. On Thursday I going to Marki to AutCo premeeting (!!!) and I'm already appointed with Patryk for a wine :)
Because truly, the atmosphere is terrible but for me - in fact doesn't matter so much - I'm going home and I don't care what's going on in Marki. But of course (I don't know - unfortunately or fortunately) I do care... Have I ever thought that life is easy?

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