I have a dog. She is really dangerous, you have to be really careful as she can lick you to death. Yes, she's so friendly to everybody. But also has a character. Little princess. Needs a lot of place to sleep, preferably in the bed, when it's only a little cold she has to sleep under cover. And it's you who have to be careful not to hurt her! Because she seems she's not care. And for sure Punia knows how to get what she wants. Just look at her - will you be able to refuse her anything?
She hates when it's raining. In such situation she stays under the roof. Doesn't matter if you want to go for a walk. You can go, Punia will wait. As a little princess she's not eating everything. She loves cookies and old bread. Sometimes I have impression that even more than meat. She's not barking. Sometimes she's miaowing like a cat. But she is also so friendly. When I'm coming back home, tired after whole day, sometimes angry, sometimes sad, it's enough when Punia will run to the doors, she is welcoming me as she hasn't seen me since ages. And as she likes cuddling so much, it's really okay for her to lay at the bed close to you, I'm feeling better immedietly. But also as a princess she's doing whatever she wants. She's litening to us only when she knows, feels that she really has to. How does she know it? Usually, we call her: "You fool dog!" but she's smart. Knows when she needs to hide inder the table because we want to wash her or knows when we are angry at her and needs to be careful... Yes, that's Punia. Like a family member for us....